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Workshops for 2024


Come walk, talk and forage with me!

All events are outlined below – please make sure to double check the dates and locations of the event you are inquiring on and message me to arrange your spot!

Foraging Walk and Talk Workshops – come walk, talk, share, explore, taste and connect your divinity to the forest canopy.

re’Connect to the Divine & explore whats growing in and around the Kentucky and Ohio landscapes and learn whats edible, medicine and whats not at the time of our walk.

This is a beautiful way to get grounded and re’connect directly to nature and the healing frequency that is always flowing for us.

Weather its wild plants, flowers, fruits, mushrooms or plant medicines Mother Nature has a way of aligning to our needs as the seasons changes – these hikes provide a short time for us to get together, learn with each other, share these wonderful experiences and really slow down just enough to see and capture whats available to us so that we can maximize our health and wellness right from Mother Natures door.

When we set out and hike together in the mountains that surround us, we will not only explore the local landscape but we will discuss what each season is really designed to provide to us and what we are guided to pay attention to as the we move through the seasons. We will share and connect with each other on a beautiful level as we stand together in Mother Natures classroom.

Kentucky – Saturday July 20th – We will meet in the Red River Gorge and explore the wild landscape that the forest has to offer. We will be discussing the natural landscape, foraging for wild edible mushrooms, plants and plant medicines, and have a mini tasting and or prepping/preserving the local landscape so long as it provides. There is such an abundance of so many plants, mushrooms, flowers and plant medicines all over the landscape during this time of year as the summer solstice is upon us during this time. We will gather together to experience the wonder of Mother Natures and honor this time of year of the longest days and highest and brightest sun.

Pricing $65

Kentucky – Saturday Sep 21st – As the Summer turns to Autumn we will gather to explore the wilderness on Private land as the season begins to transition. This is one of my favorite times of year to get outside and explore the terrain, forage for mushrooms and plants and plant medicines. We will discuss and taste the forest as it begins to transition towards the cooler season and what that really means for living within the seasons and how our own bodies relate to our natural environment. This hike will be located in southern central Kentucky.

Pricing $85

Kentucky – Saturday Oct 12th – This is the last group hike of the year and while the hustle and bustle of the summer months have already begun to pass, this is a beautiful time to explore the natural beauty and abundance of fresh cool air and forest floor that the autumn months provide. There is an abundance of wild nuts, mushrooms and fruits/berries that burst through this time of year that will be available for us to familiarize ourselves with. We will gather together, hike, forage and explore as we discuss how to prepare for as the winter months begin to get closer. This hike will take place in and around Louisville.

Pricing $65

Directions and specific location will be sent to your email a month prior to the hike once your payment has been confirmed.

Hikes are limited to about 20 people per Walk and Talk – email Samira to confirm your spot

The Walk and Talks are designed to lasts for 2-3 hours.

Please bring water, and any additional snacks you may need and comfortable hiking shoes (although shoes are always optional for those who want to hike barefoot). None of the hikes during the year will be further out than the Red River Gorge to the east, Cumberland Falls to the south and Jefferson Memorial to the South/West.

Pricing $65 – $85 and can be paid through Venmo, Cash on site, Bitcoin or Monero

Cancellations: If you cancel your Walk and Talk 30 days or more before the scheduled date of the workshop you will receive a 50% refund. If canceled 30 days or less there are no refunds. If you would like to reschedule your spot to a later Walk and Talk you may do so so long as its not already sold out.

To schedule a Walk and Talk please email Samira :