Hand Crafted with Love
Each product was designed to help assist the body, mind and soul to heal and thrive no matter the situation. Whether you are looking for added support in maintaining your health or if you are in need in added support to help aid the rapid healing or detoxing of the body these products can help you and your body at every level just by adjusting the dosage and timing of using the products.
Blue Lotus Dried Flowers (Nymphaea caerulea)
I have been using Blue Lots in the medicinal body oils, teas and smoking blends for the last 4 years. The healing effects it has on the body and the mind is so powerful yet nurturing – adults, children and animals alike can all benefit from it amazing medicinal properties.
Blue Lotus has a relatively broad spectrum of activity. Narcotic, hypnotic, aphrodisiac, euphoric, ecstatic, sedative, as well as mild entheogenic and hallucinogenic experiences, are reported. In addition to reducing social inhibitions and changes in the pattern of thinking, the feeling of empathy and compassion is enhanced.
After consuming Nymphaea caerulea, it is not uncommon to fall asleep and wake up only when the body considers itself rested. In addition, it relieves a numbing effect. In many countries on the earth, the Blue Lotus is famous as an Aphrodisiac!
History of Blue Lotus
Nymphaea caerulea, the Blue Lotus is also known as Blue Water Lily. This plant is well known for its psychoactive effects and it has been used for thousands of years. Blue Lotus is believed to have originated from Egypt and some parts of Northern Africa around the river Nile. Now, this plant is well known in all parts of the world. Blue Lotus is also commonly found in some parts of Asia, and India, and sometimes it is confused with another plant Nelumbo Nucifera (the white lotus) which is known as Sacred Lotus. In fact all thee colors of the lotus family has different healing and medicinal qualities.
Blue Lotus Flower Effects
Besides the clearing and cleaning up the intuitive pathways and healing process of the body, the psychoactive effects of Blue Lotus can be attributed to the presence of alkaloids such as aporphine, and nuciferine. Nuciferine acts as a blocker for the dopamine receptor and is also found in the Sacred Lotus. Whereas, the function of aporphine is to act as a dopamine agonist and causes the activation of dopamine receptors. This compound causes the stimulation of euphoric, uplifted, and happy feelings.
The effects of Blue Lotus are quite variable among different individuals and may cause mild sedatives, calming, and relaxing, mild analgesics, nervine, euphoria, tactical sensation enhancement, increased dream state, and pleasant synergy with psychedelics, alcohol, and marijuana. It not only has a relaxing energy but it is linked directly to the divine and all its energy.
Benefits of Blue Lotus Dried Flowers
Blue Lotus offers multiple benefits to improve human health by positively impacting body metabolism and treating various health disorders. It helps to improve sleep patterns and sleep quality by reducing depression, and anxiety. This plant is also used for treating gastrointestinal diseases. I use it in the body oil that I produce for its healing properties to thee skin, our biggest organ.
Different scientific studies have revealed that biochemical compounds found in the Blue Lotus have a significant role in protecting the brain, heart, liver, and skin. These compounds cause the regulation of blood flow, break down fats, kill bacteria, and cancer cells, and reduce swelling, and blood sugar levels.
Moreover, it causes the regulation of the urinary system, reducing pain, muscle relaxation, increasing memory power, easing menstruation cramps, regulating periods, soothing dry skin, promoting lucid dreaming, bringing happiness in persons suffering from depression, reducing stress, and alleviating anxiety.
How to use Blue Lotus
Blue Lotus is being used for numerous purposes including a sexual enhancer, aphrodisiac, stimulant, and as a remedy against health disorders, and illness. There are plenty of ways to use Blue Lotus such as in the form of absolute oil, essential oil, resin, powder, extract, tinctures, wine, and tea.
You can find it here at Stand For One infused in all our oils, our tea blends and our smoking blends along with the whole flower that you can use in any of your own favorite teas, bone broth teas, or placed to soak in the bath for an extra boost to calm the nervous system.

The original blend of Body oil is a tried and true blend that can be used all over the skin everywhere.
$25/ 1oz bottle, $5 / 5mil bottle
Available in 1oz bottles and our 5mil sample bottle

The Divine Feminine is a limited edition body oil infused with clear quarts crystal for 8+ weeks. It was created on the day of the Summer Solstice and Full moon of 2024
$25/ 1oz bottle, $5 / 5mil bottle
Available in 1oz bottles and our 5mil sample bottle

The Divine Masculine is a limited edition body oil infused with smokey quarts crystal for 8+ weeks. It was created on the day of the Summer Solstice and Full moon of 2024
$25/ 1oz bottle, $5 / 5mil bottle
Available in 1oz bottles and our 5mil sample bottle
What is Fire Cider:
Fire Cider is a long time staple home remedy for any cough, cold, flu or any other heavy detox that the body is in need of going through. It has been used for many, many years to help aid in the healing process of the body. It was typically made with a combination of roots and vegetables or a combination of what was available locally on the homestead. Most traditionally it is based with Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Horseradish, Ginger, Garlic, Onions, Jalapeños, Turmeric, and Honey if desired. Here at Stand For One we make ours with Lemon and omit the Honey as that should be added if desired ideally from a local raw honey hive.
How and when to use Fire Cider:
Fire Cider can be taken daily, a table spoon or two, to help aid the body in staying healthy and strong or if you are working through the body detoxing via a cold or flu or any other name, Fire Cider can be taken more often throughout the day every hour at a higher dose to help speed up the recovery and the breaking of the fever if present – 1 oz at a time.

Questions : info@standforone.com